Hybrid Cloud Computing & Infrastructure Solutions
What if your website/app traffic doubles or triples overnight?
In order to open up the flood gates ("gushing" should we say) of 2x/3x traffic all it takes is a successful Marketing Campaign where your value proposition becomes viral or getsis featured on a major publication.
- Could your infrastructure handle it?
- Could it keep its snappy performance to convert?
- What would fail first?
- What parts of your infrastructure are SPOFs ?
- In order to sleep at night are you running a dreadful (money-wise) autoscaling system?
- Have you deployed extra idling hardware burning money just out of peace of mind?
- Would your stack react to that kind of workload with graceful degradation of functionality or hit the wall of timeouts and "502 Bad Gateway" errors?
Private Hybrid Cloud Architecture Services
More than two decades of experience in designing, developing and operating applications for the Internet and enterprise's intranets are the foundation to the skill set that enables us to be successful at the operation of Internet properties, that in some cases, are servicing millions of requests daily.
Our main focus is on Scalability, Reliability and Security for the systems we develop and for those entrusted to us, by the intensive use of analysis of Telemetry, passive/active monitoring and constant pattern recognition techniques which allow us to learn, adapt and iterate.
Currently, we have designed and under supporting contract the operation of various Hybrid Cloud infrastructure for American and Canadian leading eCommerce applications servicing at peak of 1000+ requests/second.
This level of performance and scale is credited to the focus on Test-Driven Development, system automation, Telemetry generation/ingestion/retention and a methodical Root Cause Analysis of issues.
Open House sessions for demoing infrastructure and applications currently in production managed/developed by us are available on request subject to a signed Non-Disclosure Agreement.
Solution Catalogue
Baremetal deployment and operation
- Consulting for the provisioning, deployment and operation of Baremetal Servers
- Server Virtualization
- Deployment of Virtual Private Servers
- Deployment and maintenance Virtual Private Networks (VPN)
- Fully replicated MySQL Ring
- Master Database Server deployment, monitoring and maintenance
- Slave-Master Database Server deployment, monitoring and maintenance
- Slave Database Server deployment, monitoring and maintenance
- Disaster Recovery Services
High-Availability SRE (Site Reliability Engineering) Services
- Consulting services in the identification of Layer 7 (the application, workers and middlewares) major pain points, single points of failure, and shortcomings for scalability and performance under SLA.
- Information Security and sentry services
- Active penetration monitoring and prevention
- Data recovery
- Malware clean up
- Uptime monitoring, alerting, reporting and service recovery
- Deployment and maintenance of automatic Data Backup solutions
- Preventative maintenance of Operating System and server applications
- Periodic security updates of hosts’ Operating System and server applications
Unlimited Hosts Monitoring via our Zabbix Fully-managed Instance
- Full host 24/7/365 monitoring services
- Unlimited alerting via email and Slack
- Unlimited accounts
Scalability and High Performance Consulting Services
- Hands-on understanding the app needs and designing a stack and infrastructure to match the scales to the performance demands.
- Near-term Technology Roadmap
- Implementing security best practices
- Identifying and removing Single Point of Failure (SPOFs)
- Scaling the Database Schema
- Algorithm Bottlenecks
- Faster deployments
- Testing methodologies
- Public Relationship assistance in the case of service disruption, outages and disaster management